What to Unpack First in Your New Home
So, you’ve arrived at your new home. Congratulations! Now, you’re ready to unpack, settle in, and enjoy it.
There’s just one small problem: how do you know where to start?
Don’t worry we can help you.
This guide will answer that question for you and teach you how to unpack what matters most and have everything else fall into place.
Focus On The Essentials
Now that the movers have left, you’re probably tempted to rip open the first box you lay your hands on and unpack from there.
While this way does work, it takes a while. If you aren’t well organized, you’ll end up dirty, hungry, worn out, and frustrated before you even get halfway done.
Ask yourself: are you in the mood for take-out? Do you really want to sleep on the floor? If you follow this guide on how to unpack, you won’t have to.
While you packed, you probably made yourself a packing kit: tape, markers, scissors, screwdrivers. It was probably one of the last things you packed, too.
That kit should be the first thing out of the box. While you might not need the tape or markers now, you’ll want something to cut your other boxes open, and put your furniture back together.
Furniture And Major Appliances
You’ll want to handle your furniture and major appliances next.
They’re bulky, heavy, awkward, and they get in the way. It’s best to move them when you’re still fresh. You don’t want to hurt yourself by overworking muscles. You’ll also want them set up, so you can get to the rest of the unpacking.
The furniture is also your biggest source of storage.
You’re going to need places to put everything once you unpack it. What’s better than the couch? This way, you won’t lose track of anything.
As a bonus, you’ll have a place to sit and rest when you need a break.
Bed, Bath, And Kitchen
While you might be tempted to set up your entire bedroom, focus on the bed itself first. Pack a clean set of sheets and bedding in the dressers of each bedroom. Your bedding will then be handy and easily accessible to ensure you have a place to drop when you finish at the end of a busy moving day.
The bathroom should be next on your list. Not only will it be easier to take a relaxing shower at the end of the day, but you won’t have to spend ten minutes hunting down toilet paper when you need it most.
When you think about how much time you spend in the kitchen, you’ll understand why it’s next. Getting your kitchen set up right away lets you eat from your new pantry, helping you get settled in faster.
Knowing How To Unpack Finishes Your Move Right
What you unpack next depends on you. It might be your pets’ or kids’ toys, or maybe it’s your home office. If you stay focused on unpacking the next thing that matters most, you’ll finish before you know it.
When you’re ready to handle that move, we’ve got you taken care of. Get your free quote today.