How to Decide What to Get Rid of Or Keep When Moving
The day you pack for a move can be stressful, especially if you haven’t organized your stuff beforehand.
There are over 300,000 items in an average American home.
That makes you wonder how many of those items are necessary and which ones are just taking up space. That’s why we’ve decided to help you figure out what to pack for your move and what to get rid of. Read on to learn more.
Organize Your New Space
Before you pack for a move into your new space, plan how you want that space organized. Maybe you would like one room to be a home office or another to be dedicated to scrapbooking. Make a map of the space on a sheet of paper or in your head.
This will help you decide what is important to you and help you feel more prepared for moving day. You’ll be able to start deciding what items are a must for certain areas of your new home, and which ones will just be taking up space.
Evaluate Used Or Worn Out Items
Look at items you have already used or are extremely worn out. Think to yourself:
- When am I going to use this again?
- How damaged will this get during the move?
Things like books and posters can get bent up and damaged in the move. Evaluate for yourself how they will arrive at your destination and if you will want to use them there.
Look through your stuffed animals or toys you have laying around. If they are meaningful childhood items, then give them a pass. But if you know, they won’t be used again at your new home maybe it’s time to donate.
Clean out Your Closet
Evaluate which clothes have only been worn once, for example, your prom dress. Items like these are sometimes better off donated or sold.
Do you have a lot of t-shirts from sports teams or schools? Decide on your favorite for each and donate the rest. You don’t need ten shirts with your high school mascot on it.
Lastly, get rid of anything that just doesn’t fit. Those shoes you wore to prom are gorgeous, but now they are too tight, and realistically you will not wear them again.
Get Real Before You Pack for a Move
Be realistic about the things you own. As sometimes these items can be of better use to someone else when donated or given away. Ask yourself these questions when going through your items:
- Do you love it?
- When was the last time you used it?
- Did you forget you even had it until just now?
The answers will show you how important the item is in your everyday life. One concept of minimalism that can help you during this time is not to associate yourself with your materials.
Understand that what you own doesn’t define who you are. You will still be yourself if you get rid of your 20 sports t-shirts or those cords in the junk drawer that you have no idea where they belong.
More Moving Help
After you pack for a move, don’t be afraid to purge your belongings again down the road. By continuously evaluating the things you own you’ll be able to cut down on the stress the next time you move. (which hopefully won’t be too soon)
For more tips on how to make moving easier check out our blog.