Assisting Parents Relocating
A household move is challenging enough when it’s your belongings that you need to pack. Assisting your parents in relocating can be even more complicated, especially if they need to downsize during the process.
You will likely have to cull through many things, especially if your parents have been in the same home for a lot of years. In addition, sometimes seniors don’t necessarily want to relocate and have difficulty letting go of personal things.
Here are a few tips to make the process a little easier.
1. Organize Their Collections
Many people have prized collections that may have monetary value or perhaps a personal, sentimental attachment. But not everyone has the knack for organizing or displaying home collections.
At first glance, all of your parents’ stuff might seem like clutter, but for your parents, who have spent years accumulating their possessions, it’s much more personal.
Help them determine which collections are most precious to them so they can narrow down which ones will accompany them to their new home. Then, decide which ones they can part with and make arrangements to pass them on to other family or friends, donate, or sell.
2. Sort Belongings Together
While it may be tempting to go through the rooms quickly by yourself, it’s best to work together if possible. Working together will help your parent avoid the stress of personal belongings just disappearing.
3. Preserve the Memories Release the Clutter
Often, individuals retain things for emotional reasons, and those same items may not have a sentimental impact on someone else. In many cases, your parents might treasure the memory more than the item itself.
Together, discover ways to showcase favorite things — even if you don’t keep them. For example, craft a photo album featuring pictures with family members in their favorite room, and include photos of some of the collectible pieces they have chosen to let go of.
4. Take Extra Time to Pack
There is little dispute that packing can seem to take forever. It’s particularly challenging when you need to eliminate clutter and do it by consensus. So, plan for an extra week or two for the packing process. Then, allow yourself and your family space to rest and reflect as you move through the hard stuff. You don’t want to rush and force challenging decisions, which can cause more stress.
5. Design a Functional, Familiar Layout
As people age, they often worry about being able to remember the past. In addition to being fearful about remembering things, seniors often struggle when they move because everything feels new and unfamiliar. They may spend time searching for a favorite chair that’s no longer there.
Try to arrange each room familiarly in their new home. Keep like items together so that while it will still feel unique and different, it won’t feel bizarre. You want your parent to feel comfortable in their new home.
Let Us Help With the Move
Moving can be an exciting yet challenging time. But a significant relocation can also be overwhelming and stressful for seniors. So invest your time preparing your parent for a successful move. We can help you. Contact us today for a quote.