June 27, 2022

Moving With Teenagers: A Parent Guide

Raising teenagers is never easy – but it can get more complicated during a relocation. If you’re living with teenagers and you’re relocating to a new city, there are many things you can do to help your teenagers adjust to their new house and their new community.

By listening to their feelings, maintaining transparency about your own feelings, exploring your new city, and engaging in other activities, you can help make your child’s experience a positive one.

Listen to Their Feelings

Teenagers experience intense emotions, especially when something life-changing happens, like a relocation. One of the ways that you can help your teenager deal with these intense feelings is by listening to what they have to say.

Ask your teenager at various times throughout your relocation to discuss their feelings about their upcoming move. Listen to them empathetically, without judgment.

Don’t argue with your child about their feelings or try to counter what they say to set the record straight. Instead, tell your teen that you understand how they feel.

Ask them open-ended questions about their feelings, and let them respond in whatever way makes them feel comfortable. This will help your child feel heard and acknowledged. Show them you value what they have to say.

Be Transparent About Your Feelings

Your child may be able to open up more about their feelings if you’re transparent about how you feel about your relocation. If you have concerns about your move, tell your teen.

If you’re feeling excited, let them know why. Being transparent about your feelings may encourage open conversation that can help open the lines of communication between you two.

Take Time to Spend Together

Your teen needs you now when they’re going through a big transition like this. So take time to spend together, even when you’re busy packing and unpacking.

If you can, get away from the house to see a movie, get some ice cream, or spend time together simply taking a walk. Taking this time will help you two bond and can help your child feel more secure in the big transition that’s taking place.

Explore Your New City

As soon as you’re able, explore your new city together. Exploring your new city together will help you and your child learn to love what is wonderful about where you now live. Exploring your new city also gives you something interesting to focus on, which breaks up some of the monotony of unpacking.

Not sure where to take your teen in your new community? Try going to the local zoo, a new park, or a museum. Tailor your activities to your teen, so they know that you’re doing something special for them.

Nurture Relationships With Loved Ones In Old City

Don’t forget to help your teen nurture relationships from your old city. Give your teen the resources to stay in contact with friends and loved ones from their old life. This will help them feel connected to people they care about as they strive to make new friends.

Work With a Professional Moving Company

You can spend more time with your teenager if you hire a professional moving company to get the work done. Contact the pros for a quote to get started with your upcoming relocation. We offer full-service and traditional moving services so that you can pick the appropriate moving service for your budget!



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    Trudy Fingal was my move consultant for the second time and she was nothing short of outstanding both times! She genuinely has passion for making the move as easy for the customer as possible and routinely goes above and beyond!

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